The Fourth Annual
Constitution Day Lecture hosted by DAKSH at the Indian Institute for Human
Settlements (IIHS) Auditorium on Saturday, 28 November, 2015, was a gathering
of members from the legal community, students, and citizens interested in governance.
The lecture was delivered
by Mr Raju Ramachandran, Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India. Mr
Ramachandran is an eminent lawyer and a former Additional Solicitor General of
India. Mr Ramachandran spoke on the topic of ‘Judicial Independence and the
Appointment of Judges’, in light of the recent NJAC judgement. The transcript of Mr. Ramachandran's lecture is as follows.
you DAKSH, thank you Harish, and thank you all for coming.
1951, one year after we the people gave ourselves this Constitution, Jawaharlal
Nehru said, ‘This magnificent Constitution that we have framed has been
kidnapped and purloined by lawyers.’ When he says lawyers, he meant lawyers and
judges. He meant the robed fraternity. Many kidnappings and purloins [sic] have happened since then. But, the
most egregious kidnapping in recent times happened on 16th of
October this year when the Supreme Court struck down the Constitution’s 99th
amendment and the NJAC Act, which tried to bring in a new constitutional regime
governing the appointment of judges.
let us start with some basics. We the people have given ourselves this Constitution
which embodies the rule of law. If judges have been given the power by our Constitution
to strike down the laws of Parliament which violate fundamental rights (later
of course, came the basic structure theory), in essence, the Constitution has
given the judges a political role. The role of a higher judiciary, therefore,
let us all be clear, is a political role and therefore, if we the people have
given such vast powers to the judges, do we the people have the right to
participate in the process of
appointment of judges, or should judges self-select? Should it be—Arun Jaitley used a really attractive
expression, a gymkhana club—where
members decide who the new members are going to be? Now this question, therefore,
needs to be viewed not as an executive and legislature on one side and
judiciary on the other, but, as something which concerns the whole culture of constitutionalism
in our country.
let’s get one more judiciary-evolved concept clear—the basic structure theory. Till the Golaknath[1]
case in 1967, it was accepted that the Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution
was untrammelled. It was 17 years [after the Constitution came into force], in
the Golaknath[2]
case, that the Supreme Court by a majority said that no, Parliament’s power
to [amend] the Constitution cannot touch the fundamental rights, and then,
later again by a definite majority, the largest-ever bench of the Supreme Court
held that the power of Parliament to amend the Constitution does not extend to
abrogate the basic structure of the Constitution.
full disclosure, I am a known critic of the basic structure doctrine on
conceptual grounds. But that is irrelevant for the purpose of today’s talk and
discussion. We [will] proceed on the basis, as we have to, that the basic structure
theory is the law of the land. Now, the basic structure is not defined in the Constitution
itself, it is spelt out by judges on a case-by-case basis and interestingly, [in]
the Kesavananda Bharati[3]
case, which first propounded this theory, though different judges set out
illustrative examples of what might constitute the basic structure, not one
judge says independence of the judiciary is a part of the basic structure.
Justice Khanna says possibly judicial review, but independence of the judiciary
was not set out in illustrations given by the judges themselves as part of the basic
structure. But, that doesn’t matter. If there is a basic structure theory, I
don’t think there can be any quarrel with the proposition that independence of
the judiciary is part of the basic structure of the Constitution. As is
democracy, as is separation of powers, as is a system of checks and balances.
But, the problem arises when, while analysing the basic structure, you forget
the architecture, you forget the design, and you come down to individual
me just develop this a little: when you talk of a structure, four professions
are involved—architecture, civil and structural engineering, masonry and brick
laying. Now, when you strike down an amendment to the Constitution, are you
going to look at how the architecture is damaged? How the structure is damaged?
Or are you going to look at the colour of the individual bricks and the quality
of individual bricks and say that if one brick is replaced by another, the basic
structure is violated. And that is the central problem with this judgment,
which we will come to as we get into more details. Now, normally when we talk
of basic structure we think of the original Constitution. Though, conceivably
you can say that when significant additions are made, then in due course those
additions may become basic. That’s something debatable and it can happen. But,
when we are talking of the basic structure theory, [in] the context of our
relatively young Constitution, we are talking of the original Constitution.
what was basic in the matter of judicial appointments as [far as] the original Constitution
was concerned? It was this particular feature that the President, which means
the executive, did not have the untrammelled right to appoint judges to the
superior judiciary, unlike [the] case with many constitutions around the world,
where the executive has the absolute right to appoint judges, and such constitutions
are constitutions of countries which boast of judiciaries no less independent
than ours. But, the choice was made that the President, that is, the executive,
will not have this untrammelled right and that he would do it in consultation
with the Chief Justice of India and such other judges of the Supreme Court whom
he might find fit to consult. Now, in the First
Judges case, 1981[4], the Supreme Court
accepted the position that what Article 124 of the Constitution envisaged was
consultation. Consultation of course means due regard, deference, but,
consultation did not mean concurrence. But, the Second Judges case, 1993[5], reversed this position,
and, in my view, rewrote the Constitution, to hold that in effect, this [concurrence]
is what it meant, and the Court advanced an interesting theory for this. The Court
viewed it from the point of view of competence to select. Who, which, is the
best institution to select judges? It is the judiciary, because lawyers are
made judges. Courts are the arena of their performance and therefore, judges
are best equipped to assess the suitability of candidates for judgeship and so
there is really no question of primacy as such. If you look at it from the
point of view of who is best equipped, it is the judiciary, and therefore, the
question gets resolved that it is ultimately the judiciary. Now that judgment,
as I said, was an egregious rewriting of the Constitution. But the political
class did not stand up at that time, did not assert itself at that time. The
surrender of the political class to judicial supremacy was evident from 1973,
after the Kesavananda Bharati case[6], because when the first
inroad was made in the Golaknath
case, there was at least one strong champion of parliamentary rights, socialist
MP, [Nath] Pai, who made it his life’s mission to get the judgment of the
Supreme Court in Golaknath[7]
overruled by the constitutional process, but that was not to be. That surrender,
which started post Kesavananda Bharati[8],
and that was because the emergency came soon after that and so the political
class also felt that no, the only thing that stood between dictatorship and the
people was the Supreme Court and the basic structure theory and therefore, in
1993 [it was still evident], [and] there was no political consensus. Then came
1998. In 1993, while rewriting the Constitution, the Supreme Court created a constitutional
institution called the collegium and defined its composition. In 1998, the
Supreme Court, in its own interest, because the collegium, as originally
envisaged, was not working the way it wanted to, because of problems with
particular appointments and particular judges in the collegium, itself
re-defined the collegium to make it larger—five instead of three. The
experience of the collegium system over the years ultimately led to this rare unanimity
in the political class, which led to this major amendment being passed.
briefly recapitulate what the features were:
National Judicial Appointments Commission would have the Chief Justice of India
and two senior most judges as ex-officio members. The executive was represented
by a lone member—the law minister. A very refreshing innovation—civil society—was
brought in by prescribing that there would be two eminent members, one of whom
would be from among either SCs/STs/OBCs/minorities or women. A refreshing
innovation in the interest of diversity. It also provided that the working and the
procedure would be prescribed by the Act and the renovations under the Act. The
Act provided that if any two members in the six-member body had reservations
about a recommendation, that recommendation would not go through, which was
considered a veto, but it was really
a special majority, that you needed a majority of 4 out of 6. But, please
remember that this provision in any case was in the Act and not the constitutional
amendment. But the constitutional amendment has still been struck down on the
ground of there being a veto, though in the Act, but the act and the amendment
are part of a package deal and therefore, both must go. Now, what is the basis
of the judgment of the majority? There are four judgments and therefore, it’s
confusing but let’s, [we have tried to] cull it out as lawyers. Independence of
judiciary is part of the basic structure, the process of appointment of judges
is a necessary part of the independence of judiciary, and primacy of the
judiciary is a necessary part of the process of appointment which is integral
to the independence of the judiciary. This primacy is taken away by the constitutional
amendment and therefore, the basic structure is violated, [and] the amendment
is bad, the Act is bad, period.
let’s come back to the four professions which I referred to. Primacy is not
part of the architecture, it’s not a part of the structure. It is supposedly a
part of a wall and the primacy is gone because the judges are three out of six,
they do not have the majority to overrule the decision, the view of civil
society and the executive and therefore, primacy is violated. Now, therefore,
we are coming to bricks and we don’t confine ourselves to the structure,
contrary to the Supreme Court’s own view in dealing [with] challenges to other constitutional
amendments. So there are double standards here, because there will be very few
instances, four or five, where the Court has struck down constitutional
amendments, where the Court has said [that] it has to be some overarching
principle which is violated before we can strike down the constitutional
amendment on the ground of violation of basic structure. But, when it came to
the Court’s own perception of judicial independence, it said goodbye to that
test. Now let us assume for the sake of our argument that yes, primacy is part
of the basic structure. But what does primacy mean? When the amendment gave an
institutional majority to the judiciary, that is three, and deliberately opted
for giving institutional minority to the executive—one and institutional
minority to civil society—two, weren’t the requirements of primacy met? If you
have an institutional majority wasn’t the requirement of primacy met? Apparently
not, in the view of the Supreme Court, because primacy must mean their
overwhelming majority, their veto. This, I submit, is a deeply flawed view and
a self-serving view.
let me come to the next point. Why is it that outside participation is
necessary in the process of judicial appointments to a judiciary which enjoys
such vast political power? The first [reason] is based on the doctrine of
checks and balances itself, which is also part of the basic structure. If the
judiciary can strike down laws of Parliament passed by elected representatives
of the people, surely there ought to be an evidence of democratic participation
in appointment of those judges in whom such vast power is vested. Vested by
whom? By the people who have created this Constitution, who have created these
courts. So the checks and balances theory requires that there must be an
element of democratic participation in the process of judicial appointments.
independence of judiciary is very narrowly viewed by this judgment and by our
robed fraternity generally, as independence from executive interference. Now,
independence from executive interference is only one aspect of independence of
the judiciary. Independence of the judiciary also means judges must be
independent of corporate houses, of business lobbies, of lawyers, of law firms
and most important, judges need to be independent of themselves. Independence
from themselves means independence from their own prejudices and proclivities,
independence from caste and religious considerations because after all, judges
are all from the same society, independence from the career interests of their
own kith and kin. Who is to interrogate judges on these aspects unless there is
outside participation? Then comes the question of the social philosophy of
judges, which is something essential in a constitutional court. Now, I think a
large number in this audience would’ve been shocked at the judgment of the
Supreme Court in the 377 case[9]. Now why did that happen?
Because there was no one to interrogate prospective Supreme Court judges on
their social philosophies. So let’s not get scared by this word ‘social
philosophy’. I am saying this particularly because those of us who grew up, who
came of age, in the 70s were taught that social philosophy is a bad word
because, when Mrs Gandhi wanted to supersede judges who did not see eye to eye with
her in her socialistic reforms, one of Mrs Gandhi’s ministers, the late Mohan
Kumaramangalam, who was not the law minister, but [he was] the one who articulated
this with great candour and honesty that the social philosophy of judges is
important. And we thought that was something dirty because social philosophy
meant that courts were going to be packed with judges who are convenient to the
executive. But, social philosophy as we see now means much more and therefore,
judges need to be interrogated on their social philosophies and this can only
be done with outside participation. The last important reason for outside
participation is that judges, when they self-select, are only giving each other
chance, ‘who may get’ and that’s why you have this completely ridiculous
spectacle over the years of Chief Justices of India who have held office for 17
days, 30 days, 3 months. Chief Justices
who have been sworn in in High Courts for even 1 day and 2 days so that they
could reach that particular scale for the purpose of their pension. On the one
hand, you would say that the CBI director must have two years, the home secretary
must have two years, foreign secretary must have two years, but, the Chief
Justice of India, and Chief Justices of High Court don’t have to have a minimum
period. The point I’m driving at is that the concept of manpower planning in
interest of effective functioning of an institution is completely alien to the
minds of judges when they sit and self-select.
is another interesting concept which I read about in the context of rise in
hierarchies in the field of business management. The concept of homo-social
cloning or homo-social reproduction and this has been studied in the context of
gender discrimination, women not rising in an organisation, or blacks,
Hispanics, etc. When a homogenous body self-selects, it subconsciously selects
people in the same mould, people like us, ‘PLU’. Why does a judge like a
particular young lawyer who is appearing before him? Because he sees himself as
a young lawyer, he sees his own young days. It is that kind of a lawyer who
makes an impression on him. This is a fact of human nature and therefore, as a
check on homo-social cloning also, the importance of the outsider cannot be
[to] this judgment, and I will just give a brief analysis for [the] benefit of
lawyers and law students present in the audience, and then come to my
concluding point.
is for lawyers now—for the future of the basic structure theory, this judgment
opens up frightening possibilities. One is this concept of derived basic structure,
the brick work of the basic structure. Secondly, the comparison between
different pillars of the basic structure and the judicial fiat that it is all that
it is not an express fiat but, if you have to choose between different pillars
of the basic structure, then the independence of the judiciary is the most
important. And, the third is that, in matters involving the judiciary itself,
there is going to be a significant lowering of the threshold as far as applying
the basic structure theory is concerned. Now you can forget all about
overarching principles. Anything which the judges feel affects the judiciary
can be brought in within the basic structure concept. So that is for the
lawyers and the legal academics here to ponder over.
to civil society, I would want to highlight the fact that this judgment shows a
certain—not just condescension—but a certain contempt for civil society. One
judgment says, and I read and re-read the line to see if there was some typo in
that line, whether something was missed, but no, it is there, that at the
present juncture civil society is ‘not evolved enough’ in our country to make
any kind of meaningful contribution. Another judge says in his judgment that it
is quite possible that both the civil society and the law minister can be
influenced by extraneous considerations. So, [there is] a deep distrust of the
political class, which is bad for the Constitution. The political class
ultimately is a class which is answerable to the people, which is elected and
which gets thrown out, unlike we learned people, who once appointed to the
Bench can’t be removed except by special majority of Parliament. There, if the Constitution
is amended to say no, instead of special majority, make it simple majority, the
Court will strike it down. But, here, in the context of judicial appointments
that special majority is said to be bad. Now, civil society in my view can be
the ultimate saviour in situations where judges and lawyers and the law
minister gang up—[although,] why is this judgment only thinking of others
ganging up against judges? Why is it presumed that the three judges will think
alike, which is not necessarily so, which is not the experience of the
collegium also. On the other hand, the law minister is often a very eminent
lawyer. It is important to remember this because, during arguments in this case,
people only thought of one particular diabolical politician who was the law
minister, but, there are renowned lawyers who are also law ministers and who
are part of the same cosy club as the judges. That [an] eminent senior advocate
who is law minister today will soon demit office [during] the change in
government and he will be addressing these judges in court. So, the law
minister also has some self-interest. This judgment doesn’t contemplate such a
situation at all and perhaps doesn’t want to contemplate such a situation where
three judges and one eminent lawyer gang up together to promote a person like
them and civil society can’t veto this. Now, there was some political unanimity
at that time, after all this bill took concrete shape during the tenure of the
previous government and I, myself remember being invited to some consultations.
It was only carried forward by the next government, maybe with a change here or
there. It was passed with unanimity, but today the political situation has
changed, I see little hope now for Parliament to reassert itself in the
foreseeable future. I think we are back to where we were and I think this
unhappy situation is going to be with us at least for another 10 years, if not
20 years. But, the debate must go on. The Constitution is not the property of
lawyers and judges. A dynamic Constitution works only interactively with the
executive, the legislature, in a state of creative tension of course, but the
Constitution belongs to all of us and if it does, this judgment ought not to
You can read more about the event and see pictures on our Facebook page.
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ReplyDeleteThe Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture transcript offers a thought-provoking exploration of judicial independence and its connection to judge appointments. It provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between the appointment of judges and maintaining judicial independence. The transcript effectively conveys the discourse around judicial independence, making it accessible to a wider audience. It is a must-read for those interested in the intersection of judicial appointments and upholding the principle of an independent judiciary. The transcript serves as an intellectual asset for those seeking a deeper understanding of judicial processes and contributes to the ongoing dialogue about safeguarding judicial independence in modern legal systems. The transcript eloquently encapsulates the essence of the lecture, making it a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and the general public.
ReplyDeleteThe transcript of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture provides a comprehensive exploration of judicial independence and the critical process of appointing judges, offering insightful perspectives on the vital balance between judicial autonomy and accountability. This lecture enriches understanding of constitutional principles and their real-world implications.Henrico VA Menor Posesión Alcohol
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ReplyDeleteThe lecture title effectively communicates the topic and its connection to Constitution Day. It should include a brief introductory paragraph about DAKSH and its significance. The introduction should highlight key points made during the lecture. The transcript should be well-organized, with a section introducing the speaker and their expertise. Legal or technical terminology should be explained for a broader audience. The speaker should emphasize thought-provoking statements to spark interest. A balanced overview of counterarguments should be provided. Relevant citations should be included to enhance the credibility of the transcript. The lecture should conclude with a summary of key takeaways and their significance in the context of judicial independence and the appointment of judges in the legal system.
Politics. Perceptions. Participation. appears to be a concise statement that highlights the interconnectedness of these three concepts: politics, perceptions, and participation. Politics refers to the activities, processes, and systems that involve the governance and decision-making of a society. It encompasses the structures of government, the formulation and implementation of policies, and the distribution of power.
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The article "Judicial Independence and the Appointment Process" by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is a well-written and informative piece that explores the importance of judicial independence and the various mechanisms used to appoint judges around the world.The article begins by defining judicial independence and explaining its importance in a democratic society. It then discusses the various factors that can influence judicial independence, including the appointment process, the structure of the judiciary, and the relationship between the judiciary and other branches of government.It is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic. It is well-written, informative, and balanced.
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Mr. Raju Ramachandran's lecture on "Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges" at the Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture hosted by DAKSH in 2015 discussed various aspects related to the appointment of judges and the recent NJAC judgment. Ramachandran argued that primacy is part of the basic structure, but the Supreme Court's view that primacy must mean their overwhelming majority is flawed and self-serving. He also highlighted the contempt for civil society, stating that civil society is not evolved enough to make meaningful contributions and that extraneous considerations can influence both civil society and law ministers. Ramachandran believes that the unhappy situation will persist for another decade or 20 years, but the debate must continue. He argued that the Constitution belongs to all of us, and if it does, this judgment should not stand. Additional excerpts from Ramachandran's lecture can be found below. Abogado por Accidente de Motocicleta
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Judicial independence and the process of judicial appointment are essential for a fair and effective legal system. It is the principle that the judiciary should be free from undue influence from the executive or legislative branches of government, ensuring that judges can make impartial decisions without fear of reprisal. Key aspects of judicial independence include security of tenure, financial independence, immunity from personal liability, and maintaining high ethical standards. Judicial appointment involves nomination by an appointing authority, confirmation through hearings or assessments, and formally appointment. Factors considered include qualifications, merit, diversity, and transparency. Judges are typically expected to have a strong legal background, experience, and expertise in the law. Merit-based appointments aim to select the most qualified individuals for judicial positions, while diversity is ensured through representation based on gender, ethnicity, and background. Balancing the need for judicial independence with a transparent and accountable appointment process is a delicate task, as it ensures the judiciary remains free from political interference while maintaining public confidence in its to get a divorce in virginia
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ReplyDeleteJudicial independence is the principle that judges should be free from interference or influence by other branches of government, political actors, or private individuals. It is crucial for the fair and impartial administration of justice, allowing judges to make decisions based on the law and facts without fear of reprisal.
ReplyDeleteJudges are appointed through nomination, election, merit-based selection, tenure, and checks and balances. In many countries, judges are nominated by a specific authority, such as the executive branch, and confirmed by a legislative body. In some jurisdictions, judges are elected by the public or appointed through a combination of executive and legislative processes. Some systems use independent judicial commissions or panels to evaluate candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and merits.
Tenure and security are also important aspects of judicial independence, with judges appointed for life, a set term, or until a mandatory retirement age to ensure their independence. Checks and balances are essential in the appointment process, preventing any single branch of government from exerting undue influence.
Judicial commissions or committees are established to depoliticize the selection of judges. Ensuring an independent judiciary and a transparent, fair process for appointing judges is fundamental to upholding the rule of law and maintaining public trust in the legal system.testamentos y sucesiones de abogados
traffic lawyer prince george va "Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges" is a valuable resource for constitutional law enthusiasts. It captures the essence of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture, providing a comprehensive overview of the discussion on judicial independence and judge appointments. The transcript's accessibility ensures a wider audience, and the speaker's expertise shines through. The balanced approach, clear organization, and inclusion of audience questions or reactions enhance the transcript's readability. The transcript emphasizes the importance of judicial independence and calls for action to safeguard democratic principles.
ReplyDeleteInsightful transcript on the critical topic of judicial independence and the appointment of judges. Mr. Ramachandran's analysis sheds light on fundamental aspects of our constitutional framework. Thank you for sharing
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ReplyDeleteJudicial independence is a principle that ensures judges make decisions impartially, free from external influence. Appointment of judges is crucial for maintaining this independence. Key factors include separation of powers, merit-based selection, appointment mechanisms, term length and security of tenure, transparency and accountability, checks and balances, and international standards. By implementing these principles, societies can maintain their judicial systems' integrity, impartiality, and effectiveness in justice.
Wow, what an insightful transcript of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture on "Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges". This topic is so crucial in ensuring the fairness and impartiality of our judiciary system. It's inspiring to see organizations like DAKSH shedding light on such important issues. Judicial independence is the cornerstone of a democratic society, and the process of appointing judges plays a critical role in upholding this principle. I look forward to reading more thought-provoking discussions on this subject. Kudos to the speakers for their expertise and valuable insights shared during this lecture!
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Judicial independence is the principle that judges should be free from interference from other branches of government or external sources. This independence ensures impartial decisions based on the law and facts presented in a case. The process of judicial appointment varies between countries and legal systems. Common methods include executive appointment, legislative appointment, merit-based selection, and election. Each method has its own concerns, such as potential political influence, partisan politics, and the potential for political pressures. Regardless of the method, judicial appointments must uphold fairness, transparency, and impartiality, with clear qualifications criteria, minimizing partisan politics, and public input to safeguard the judiciary's integrity Sex Crime Lawyer Fairfax VA.
ReplyDeleteMr. Raju Ramachandran's lecture on judicial independence and the appointment of judges in India delves into the complexities of this issue, highlighting the historical context of judicial appointments, the role of the judiciary in a democracy, the evolution of the basic structure theory, criticism of judicial interpretation, the need for democratic participation, challenges of self-selection, the role of civil society, and the implications of the Supreme Court's decision on future constitutional interpretations and the relationship between different branches of government. He warns about the potential expansion and reinterpretation of the basic structure theory, concerns about judicial fiat, contempt for civil society, and the role of the political class in maintaining power balance. He predicts a prolonged period of imbalance in governance due to the current judicial stance on appointments and calls for continued public debate on constitutional issues. He concludes by emphasizing the need for a dynamic and inclusive constitutional framework that engages all branches of government and civil society to uphold democratic values and principles. abogado de derecho de familia
ReplyDelete"Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges" offers profound insights into the crucial nexus between judicial autonomy and the process of appointing judges. In this transcript of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture, key issues surrounding the judiciary's independence and the appointment mechanism are meticulously examined. Through rigorous analysis and scholarly discourse, it sheds light on the complexities and challenges inherent in ensuring an impartial and effective judiciary. A seminal work that contributes significantly to the discourse on constitutional governance and the rule of law.
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Judicial independence is the principle that judges should be free from undue influence or interference when adjudicating cases, ensuring impartiality and integrity in decision-making. Key aspects of judicial independence include freedom from external pressure, security of tenure, financial independence, and authority of decisions. Appointments of judges can be merit-based selection, political appointment, or legislative body appointment. Challenges and considerations include balancing powers, transparency, diversity, and establishing a legal framework. The process of judicial appointment should be transparent and accountable to maintain public trust in the judiciary. Diversity in appointments should reflect societal demographics and perspectives, enhancing judicial legitimacy. Clear legal frameworks and constitutional provisions should be established to safeguard judicial independence and appointment processes. In conclusion, the balance between judicial independence and the appointment of judges is crucial for maintaining the rule of law and ensuring fair and impartial justice. Countries may vary in their approaches to achieving this balance, reflecting their legal traditions, political systems, and societal values.virginia reckless driving ticket out of state
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ReplyDelete"Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges," a transcript of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture, offers insightful perspectives on the judiciary's autonomy. It discusses the critical processes and challenges in appointing judges, highlighting the balance between independence and accountability. This lecture is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of judicial appointments.
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"Judicial Independence and the Appointment of Judges" offers a transcript of DAKSH's Fourth Annual Constitution Day Lecture, focusing on the critical balance between judicial independence and the processes of appointing judges. The lecture provides in-depth analysis and perspectives on how these appointments impact the judiciary's impartiality and effectiveness. It’s a thought-provoking read for those interested in legal systems and constitutional law.
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Judicial independence is the principle that the judiciary should be free from external influences, allowing judges to make decisions based solely on the law and facts. It is crucial for maintaining the rule of law, protecting individual rights, and ensuring fair justice administration. Key components of judicial independence include security of tenure, financial independence, institutional independence, and personal independence. The process of appointment to the bench varies by jurisdiction and can significantly impact judicial independence. Examples include executive appointment, legislative appointment, judicial commissions, election, and merit-based systems. The balance between judicial independence and accountability is essential, as judges must be independent to uphold the law impartially while also being accountable to ensure ethical and competent performance. Different systems around the world strive to achieve this balance in various ways How to Serve Divorce Papers in New York.
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ReplyDeleteJudicial independence is a crucial principle in democratic societies, allowing judges to make decisions based on the law without external influences. Appointing judges involves a selection process, qualifications, term limits, impeachment and removal mechanisms, and oversight to ensure ethical standards. Judges may serve for life, a fixed term, or until a mandatory retirement age. The balance between independence and accountability varies across jurisdictions, reflecting the unique legal and political culture. For more information on judicial independence and appointment processes, consult a specific country or region Driving Without A License New Jersey.
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Judicial independence is crucial for a fair legal system, allowing judges to make decisions based on the law rather than political pressure. In the U.S., it's guaranteed by constitutional protections and practices to minimize political influence. However, historical debates have highlighted political tensions. Today, judicial appointments remain politically charged, often reflecting partisan ideologies New York NY Divorce Attorneys.
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ReplyDeleteMr. Raju Ramachandran's 2015 lecture on judicial independence in India, particularly the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) judgment, offers valuable insights into the intersection of governance, legal structures, and constitutional safeguards. However, a critical review should ensure clarity on key arguments, accessibility, and engagement with opposing views. Sex Crimes in Arlington VA lawyers may represent individuals, companies, or institutions in disputes over issues like contracts, property, or family matters.
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